Julie Fletcher

Professional Name

Julie Fletcher Photography


Julie is a passionate landscape photographer who also enjoys the challenge of wildlife photography.

She has been shooting for over 10 years and is passionate about teaching and helping others through her workshops.

Julie travels remote outback Australia to capture images that are a unique expression of a space and often revisits repeatedly until it feels like home.

Her intent is to inspire the next generation of photographers especially women and show them you can achieve whatever you put your mind too if you want it bad enough.

Julies has work featured in many publications worldwide and to date has achieved many accolades including winning more than 50 awards over the last few year.

Some highlights in her career has been National Geographic Nature Awards runner up, Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year (Landscape) and (Portfolio Prize winner same year) Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year (Landscape and Botanical winner same year).


My passion for photography centres on my love for Australia adventure and the great outdoors. I am always in search of new and unique locations, avoiding cliche where ever possible and travelling the more remote parts of Australia generally to capture fresh and unique landscape and nature images.

I was born in Adelaide, South Australia and moved to Sydney in my early 20's but it was several years later when I went back to study Photography; doing my Diploma of Commercial Photography over 4 years part time and also working full time in an office job to pay the bills. This ultimately set the wheels in motion for me and my career change years later. I am now back in my home state of South Australia and, when not travelling, I live on Kangaroo Island in the South Australia a recent move from Marree in outback South Australia in which i still revisit regularly.

Julie FletcherThe Aussie culture is ‘summer, surf and sand’ and of course this has played a role in the direction of my photography. I have always loved exploring as a child and would often take off on my bike to visit horses. They were miles from my home and I loved to feed them. I even tried to ride them bareback.

In fact I still do this now to a degree, but now I feed a hunger for capturing photographs not horses and my desire for adrenalin is fed by exploring the unknown. I guess you could say the dynamics of my parents and being an only child shaped me into the strong independent straight talking person that I am today and I am grateful for that. Without these traits I could never do or achieve what I have done so far with my photography career.

Julie Fletcher

I believe it takes energy, passion, commitment and consistency to be a great photographer. I don't just photograph an area, I try and connect to it and when I do it allows me to get the best images over a period of time. My tenacity leads me back to the same location many times to achieve the right light, time and time again. My drive sees me head out at a moment's notice to follow a storm cell that may be hundreds of kilometres away on the off chance that I may capture “that one” image. When on location, I am up before sunrise and back out again for sunset, usually camping in order to be close to my subjects. This is not luck its hard work and commitment, its knowing how to use a camera properly and how to post produce well, its knowing my subjects and understanding light.

People often ask me if it scares me to travel the outback on my own. My reply to that is a simple NO. I don't let fear drive me. If I did I would never get the shots I do. The outback can be a hard and harsh place for anyone, male or female. I travel safely, I have emergency location beacons and I am very careful. It's ok to be different and it’s ok to NOT want to conform to what we see as the norm. I don't want to be ordinary I want to motivate and inspire others and show them it can be done if you want it bad enough.

I look forward to meeting more like minded people and sharing my passion. Check out some of the testimonials and photos from all my workshops and tours.

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Award Winning Images

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Workshop Participant Images

Outback to Ocean Kangaroo Island Workshop Dec 2018

I just wanted to thank you again, tell you how much I enjoyed, and appreciate the weekend spent with you. You certainly put in a lot of effort and I didn’t want you to think this went unnoticed. I learned a lot from you and feel you have helped me…

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