
Best Selling Images

Here are some of my best selling images...
and YES, these images are available for purchase too, you will find them in the appropriate Image Galleries.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Award Winning Images

Workshop Participant Images

Marree Lake Eyre Workshop April 2018

I Recently went to Marree and joined Julie for one of her photography workshops.My only regret is that I haven’t done it sooner!I have lived in the outback for many years and a visit to Lake Eyre has been on my bucket list and I was definitely not disappointed. It…

Kangaroo Island outback to ocean workshop Dec 2019

Kangaroo Island outback to ocean workshop Dec 2019
Hi Julie I wanted to thank you again for making your time for me - I had a lot of fun and learned heaps. Lots of practice for me to take away. Thank you for the post production tips too. Regards Weng NSW

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