This workshop was extremely challenging with so much rain over the 3 and 1/2 days. Even when we caught a break alot of the tracks were closed or not accesable because of water flowing to heavily over crossings. We managed to get 1 day of mainly clear weather with a shower or two about. The very first afternoon we arrived it was raining but not too heavily so I got the group out in it for a couple of hours and introduced them to photographing in the rain. I am use to shooting in these conditions but the others were not and my guess is it was not their happy place although they did not complain. We did alot of critique consisting of all sorts of shots and I also did some post production trying to fill in some time and wait out the rain. The group found this very helpful and insightful.
Our sunset spot was pretty epic also and a nice way to finish off a very wet workshop.
On that note I am planning another trip in early July if your interested in joining me. This should be dry. Please do not book in if you are not fit enough or you will not get the very best out of this workshop and you may be disappointed. The more effort you are able to put in the more you will get out of it. This is a landscape workshop with opportunites to photograph the birds.
You may also choose to forgo a walk to do birds as the birds are all around the Resort and Accomodation with easy access. Please read all the trip notes before booking.
Hope to see you in the great outdoors sometime :)