Marree unique Outback Workshops

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If your wanting to take the leap from shooting jpegs to shooting RAW or learn the basics of processing with Photoshop to give you a foundation to go forward with or just improve your workflow and photography in general I can help you do that. Please read below information carefully so you can assess and book into the correct workshop level. 

My 3 day and 3 night workshops here in Marree offer both practical and post processing information to help you improve your photography and workflow. We are out shooting morning and evening and into the night and you will learn how I creatively light subjects and shoot the night sky. You will then bring your images back into the classroom where I will walk you through processing techniques amongst many other things. 

In my BEGINNERS workshop you will learn how to use full manual control of your camera, understand aperture and shutter speed, start shooting in RAW and get to know your camera a little better and its functions as well as basic photoshop processing.

For my INTERMEDIATE workshops you need to have a basic understanding of aperture and shutter speed as I do not cover this in this course, you should know it at this level, you will get to know your camera a little better and its functions. You will maybe have used lightroom or elements or some kind of basic software. Skills in photoshop are not essential. You will learn to shoot in RAW if you dont already and then process a selection of images using Photoshop as well as learn many other helpful tips. If you dont know any of this or have not used any software at all than you probably need to join a beginners workshop which will be advertised on my website when I run one.

I currently am not running advanced workshops.

If you are unsure what level you are at please email me with a contact number and I will contact you and discuss further what course would best suit your needs.

 I keep beginners and intermediate level separate so everyone moves ahead at the same pace and is not left behind. I only have small groups so everyone has a chance to ask questions and again they are not left behind or disappointed that they have not come away with enough information. It also has its benefits out in the field shooting so you are not constantly waiting for people to get out of the way of being able to capture an image or turn a torch light off when shooting at night.

 I have had alot of enquiries from people interstate that are wanting to do a workshop. Please keep in mind Marree is 8 hours from Adelaide and there is no transport out here so you will have to drive yourself out. The other option that I would recommend is to hire a car in Adelaide for a few days and drive yourself out and that also allows you to have a better look around the area whilst here and make the most of it. If you can bring a friend you can split the costs.

There is 50km of dirt road to Marree which is perfectly fine for small 2 wheel drive vehicles to drive unless its been raining heavily.

I hope this helps you make a decision and I hope to see you in the outback soon.

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Marree Workshop - Stephen Batten
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Marree Workshop March 2015 - Barb Woolford
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