Items filtered by date: March 2020

Although I only managed to get high bronze award for my entries I was pretty happy with that as the level of photography and the number of entries overall was phenomenal. These images are available to view in my AWARD WINNERS gallery and also in their respective state galleries for sale.

This image is the up and coming Cover shot for a newspaper in the UK, it has been delayed going to print due to the Corona Virus.

I now have a great collection of images of wildlife after the fires in the regeneration of trees and bush. If your after an image please contact me via email. These images are not on my website.

The ongoing visits back out to different locations across the island have presented some special images. I have now photographed Echidnas and Kangaroos through verdant areas and now have them for sale. It has been nice to see life about walking through different spots but it is very time consuming and hit and miss. One day I was walking back and forth through a patch of scrub for 3 hours before I saw an animal. This is pretty typical and most times I see nothing at all so when it happens I have to be ready to go with a camera.

This shot of mine taken back in the 2019 bush fire on Kangaroo Island which won the Big Picture Awards in 2019 has been stolen time and time again now and misused and used without my permission. Since these bush fires It has been used on go fund me pages and newsletters chasing money and facebook posts again chasing donations. My images are not to be used for monetry gain of any sort unless its being paid for and under a licence. I have been abused contacting people and pages in the past few weeks to take it down or cop a bill for usage. I doubt you would appreciate your possessions being taken without permission and misused so why is it expected that I should be happy about people using my images for what ever purpose they want without my permission or payment just because I won an award for it and its been strewn all over the internet and because its of a bushfire. I dont know about you but I expect to get paid for my work and its hard enough to make a living out of landscape photography as it is but this copyright theft and peoples attitude has got to stop. I now use a copyright company to help me chase down images that have been stolen which takes the pressure and stress from me. So if you have me shot I suggest you take it down because we are on the war path at the moment and if we can get Sky News to pay up we can get you too.

This image has been purchased for multiple uses by WWF Australia who understand that payment is necessary to photographers for their images to make money for their fund. Thank you WWF.

The days that followed the fire bought in the Army and news crews and lots of volunteers for the massive clean up and hand feeding stations that were set up at Hanson Bay Wildlife Park. Trees needed to be felled or cut back, koalas that remained needed to be checked and moved out for triage and the healthy ones needed to fed. It was a massive effort and one that will be on going for some time. As I walked around documenting what was happening there was a shift in energy from grim to hopeful as everyone jumped in and got things done. A giant pit was dug for all the dead animals which the army took care of. Donations of food came from far and wide. It was a massive effort.

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Award Winning Images

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Workshop Participant Images

Flinders Ranges Tour 2015

What a fantastic experience to attend a wonderful photographic workshop with undoubtedly one of Australia's most talented landscape photographers. After following and admiring Julie's work for some time, it was an honour to travel along side her and see through her eyes to capture some fantastic photos. To have such…

- Francesca -

Dear Julie The splashback looks amazing I attached a picture for you - Doesn t it look fantastic !!!!! Thank you for taking such a beautiful picture that I will treasure always !! Kind Regards Francesca Western Australia

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